Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Today you are 1!
Today our baby girl turns 1. She has officially passed on from baby to toddler and more and more every day, a little girl! We still call her baby though and I'm not about to give that up anytime soon. Her brother still affectionately calls her "his baby" when we are out and about and explaining to people just who she is! I remember celebrating Lucas' 1st birthday with such excitement..everything he did was so exciting cause it was a first for all of us. But this time around, it brings with it a measure of sadness for me. I wish that time would slow down, that snuggles would last longer, that toothless grins would grin a little longer, that baby chub (on the baby..not me!) would hang on a little longer, and that she would still need her momma as much as her momma needs her. I think the sadness comes because I know as she grows that she will need me less and less and become more independant, learning things on her own and figuring out who she is as a person! But with this sadness come excitement to see just who she will be, who she will be more like, what traits she will have..good or bad. She is a miracle (as is every baby!), she is a blessing, she is a gift and most importantly she is loved to the moon in back! Here's to my happy, go lucky, silly, fearless baby girl. Happy birthday baby girl..we love you soo much!!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The Big 4!!
my little man a few days old |
Today my little boy will be 4 years old! I feel like 4 is so much older than 3. Toddler to big kid! He went from a toddler needing my help all the time to a big kid able to accomplish tasks on his own. But there are moments (and forgive me but I love these moments) where I see that little itty bitty boy that still needs his mommy to help and comfort him and I pray that he will always need me..I just know it will be in different ways as he grows! His heart is so big and gentle. He may not always show his gentle side physically (what boys do) but his words and actions will show it!
1 year |
Its been a big year for him:
- became a big brother to Adalynn
- sold our little townhouse and moved to a big house in Airdrie
- learned to ride a two wheeler
- will wake up in the night and take himself to the bathroom (yay!)
- started preschool (which he absolutely loves!!)
2 years |
I love watching his imagination develop and his skills! He is going to be a Jack of all trades like his daddy I think! So good with his hands and keen to try new things. He received his first big boy lego set for Christmas and he sat at the table for a few hours (with a couple breaks) determined to build his entire set with minimal help..he followed the instructions and got the little pieces together! So proud of him and his ability to focus on something longer that 5 mins! He is a bright one and doesn't miss much...which reminds us that we need to be more careful or what we say and do around him! I am not a fan of the attitude that comes with being he 4 or 13?? My mother always reminded me that when I had children of my own I would have one that was just like me...well she got her wish...however she forgot that she would have to babysit!! He is STUBBORN...if I could make the letters bigger I would! One day he will make a great boss or something of the sorts...for now we hope to not break his stubborn little spirit but remind him that obeying and respecting people of authority (ie. his teacher or other adults) is such an important part of developing into the strong man he will become one day! Pray for our patience! :P
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3 years |
- what do you want to eat Lucas? "hippo pancakes!"
- there is a little girl in his class named Adalynn as well, he leads her around class, helps her with her shoes and tries to carry her (cause she is a little squirt)..I asked why he liked her so much and he said "cause I take care of Adalynn's mom!"
- I was having a rough day one day and burst into tears with frustration while eating lunch with him and he looked at me and said "Mommy...why are your eye's dripping?"
- lately his saying for anything is "I'll show ya mom" (emphasis on ya!)
- "Is Jesus a girl or a boy? Cause he's got long hair!"
- Whenever we leave the house and are driving away he makes us say "bye house!!"
- We were having a conversation about how God can see us (such a complicated conversation to have with someone so little!) and he exclaimed with such awe "God has really really big eyes!!!"
- In the summer I was trying to teach him about strangers (he will talk to anyone!! Which is good but bad...) and after that conversation we were shopping at Lowe's one day and whenever we passed someone he would loudly pipe up at anyone that passed by.."HI!! Are you a stranger?? Mommy says I'm not suppose to talk to strangers so are you a stranger? What are you doing? What is that?" etc. If you know Reuben at all you can picture his very red face at those moments!!
Almost 4 years |
"Lucas we love you and your zest for life! You are such a good big brother and love your sister so much..sometimes too much..and you can't wait to show her and teach her things! (lets hope they aren't to get into's to hoping, right?) Keep your big heart, your big smile and your love of people! We are so proud of you and your ability to want to learn new things! We pray that you will learn to love your God..with big eyes.. as your maker, heavenly Father and friend! Bring on the 4's buddy!" Love, Mommy and Daddy!
Monday, July 8, 2013
June 5 -June 12, 2013
Babies, babies, babies! Another baby girl was born to our great friends/old neighbors, (they use to be our neighbors...they aren't old..yet!haha!) Darcie and Casey on June 6. It will be so fun to see Adalynn grow up with friends so close in age to her! We are slowly getting settled in the new house but I really had to tame down on the packing as I felt like I was overdoing it and started to get dizzy from mear exhaustion! Things do not need to be unpacked all at once...unpacked boxes will be ok for one more day...this was my mantra going through my head! There are a few things that still need to be childproofed as well...or lets say "Lucas" proofed...he's not the average child when it comes to things like really have to think outside the box! Until than there is a lot of calling his name and chasing him around!
Never gets old for me or him! |
Loves the jumperoo as much as her brother ever did|! |
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My "afraid of heights" husband hanging blinds |
Adalynn meeting Rylie for the first time! |
Rylie wanting to be saved from the "crazy" |
Checking each other out.... |
And eating each other... |
So tiny and so much hair!!! |
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she was tired! |
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Her mommy used to make a double chin like that....use to I said! |
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So peaceful |
Baby Clara came for a visit...Lucas loves holding all the babies!! |
May 29-June 5
"D" day has come, moving begins. I however did not capture any pictures of it as my camera ended up packed...and I was much to busy to even think about taking pictures! So here are a few from before and after we moved. Most all taken with my phone...took my awhile to find my camera...eeep!!
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Reuben was able to sell his car before we moved which was a huge blessing that we didn't have to take it with us! He did however shed a little tear...bye Saab! |
The packed full living room |
the other end |
Lucas helping me make french toast for our first morning in our new house! |
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He found daddy's cowboy hat. He asked where daddy's horse was.... |
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Cuddles with baby girl in her new room |
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Exhausted from all the unpacking and excitement...we took a nap on the couch |
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Netflix entertainment and matching Elmo's! |
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Ikea fun...shelves for toy organization! |
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Precious boy! |
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Eating breakfast with my boy on our new deck while baby slept! |
May 22-29, 2013
Packing, packing, packing and more packing! The countdown begins! Trying to pack a house with one very busy boy and a fussy baby can be utterly frustrating and tiring! Thankfully Nana and Papa took Lucas for a couple days before moving day so that I could get down to business! But in the midst of it all I am trying to enjoy my kids and the stages that they are in and of course have a little fun with them!
First time in the bumbo..not so sure about it! |
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I took Lucas puddle jumping...we found a giant puddle across the street and he went swimming in it..literally... |
Met this little miss today! Clara tiny and beautiful! |
Goofy baby |
So bright eyed! |
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My fashionable son! |
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Packing for Nana's |
I was trying to wake her up..she covered her eyes and wouldn't wake up... don't blame her! |
May 15-22, 2013
The days are flying by with these little ones filling my day! My heart is warmed with the smiles that Adalynn produces as she becomes more interactive and awake! Her brother has not grown tired of her and loves to cuddle and kiss her and of course is ecstatic that he can produce smiles himself! A couple more weeks and we will be moving from our little townhouse into a house with much more space. Bittersweet as will be leaving behind neighbors that have become apart of our family and life. And bittersweet as leaving behind the house where we brought both our children into.
loving her playmat |
Miss Bailey Boo |
Lucas and Bailey playing "Bus" |
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This is what happens when I ask my child to get dressed |
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Just when you think she can't get any cuter! |
I snapped a few pics at our lifegroup gathering. We meet together every two weeks or so and just let the kids play and the adults visit and fellowship together. There are a lot of kids in our group which can mean lots of chaos and noise but love being able to bring our kids with us!
Lucas loving the tramp |
Kai gardening |
Zac is such a ham! |
Liam |
Liam's mommy Regan expecting a little sibling come October |
Boys and sand |
Jackson checking everything out |
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Trying to soak up snuggles whenever I can! |
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