Monday, April 29, 2013

March 30 & 31, 2013 "Easter"

    Easter was spent in Three Hills with both Reuben's family and my family. It was Reuben's Oma and Opa's first time meeting Adalynn and of course Adalynn's first easter. Saturday we had dinner with Reuben's family and enjoyed seeing Reuben's brother Josh and his wife Krysten who were down visiting from Whitehorse. Sunday was my side of the family and the kids enjoyed an easter egg hunt outside in the deep deep snow!

Cousin Amiyah getting some snuggles in!


One month old!

Little feet


Simeon..check out those big brown eyes!

Dessert time

Papa snuggles

Feeding the birds peanuts

What Papa's do best!

March 29, 2013 " Chunking up"

  Another swing picture..she is chunking up so fast and looks so big already!

March 26, 27 & 28th

   Well it would appear that I missed three days of taking pictures. I'm entitled to missing some when I have a newborn right?? Instead I will post a video of Lucas humming to Adalynn. Whenever he sings to her or hums she usually calms down! So cute! Excuse the phone quality once again but as per usual it is the usually the handiest camera nearby!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

March 25, 2013 "Swinging"

   We almost didn't set the swing up because it does take up so much space and space is limited in this house. As well we didn't use it much with Lucas. But a couple days in and I was dragging it out of the basement. It has come in handy when I need my hands to deal with Lucas! She's not always content so the double whammy of swaddling and the swing seems to work most of the time!

March 24, 2013 "Hiding"

   My entertainment when I am feeding baby comes in many forms. Lucas doing a lot of different things...not always good things...but not always bad...and sometimes just funny.

Hiding with his his head fit beats me!

March 23, 2013 "So sleepy.."

   This girl could sleep through a lot. Usually with Lucas if we wanted to wake him up to eat we could put him on the floor and he would start to wake up once he wasn't being held! Adalynn just keeps on looks so comfy...doesn't it? :S

March 22, 2013 "Dinner time"

   Not many options when the baby is screaming and the other child is hounding you for food and your husband is working! Break out the ergo and I finally have two hands...however my view down is a little limited and bending is another trick...hmm..kinda reminds me of when she was inside!

And yes I look tired...haha

March 21, 2013 "Playing"

  Oops again..another day missed. I do love, however, to look back at other pictures. This was Lucas and his cousin Asha just chillin at Grandma's house. Wow did his hair ever look redder than!

Both are 2.5 months here

March 20, 2013 "Together"

    Lucas is constantly wanting pictures with baby now! He used to run away whenever I got the camera out but now he is asking for pictures all the time..but of course only with baby! I must relent though cause they are way too cute to pass up!

March 19, 2013 "Stuck"

  We were both in the kitchen when we hear Lucas yelling "help". And this was what we found! was too funny to really get angry so instead I took a picture. We had only told him so many times to leave the swing least he didn't break it!

Same boy and swing 3 years ago! Crazy!

March 18, 2013 "Pucker up"

  Once again I missed a photo on this day so this is a flashback to Lucas when he was 14 mos. Such a goof!

March 17, 2013 "Relaxing"

  I love the positions that babies can fall asleep in sometimes. They always manage to make it look so comfy! Evening relax time on the couch while we chill and watch some tv.
(excuse the poor phone quality)

March 16, 2013 "Swaddle"

   So far swaddling works to calm her down. I sure hope it stays that way!

Still tanned from her jaundice

March 15, 2013 "Fundraiser"

   Tonight was a silent auction fundraiser for a team headed to Guatemala from our church. It was a fun night for all the kiddos with tacos for supper and of course a little bidding for items on the side! Adalynn joined her "friends" for a rocking good time in their car seats! All three of them were born within about 2 weeks of each other...
Amelia, Evangeline and Adalynn partying away ;)

March 14, 2013 "Dishes"

   Whenever he gets a chance Lucas loves to "do" the dishes! As long as I have time to clean up the mess and we aren't headed out the door its a great distraction for him and he actually does get some of the dishes clean!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

March 13, 2013 "Faces"

    I laugh at the faces that babies make when they are trying to poop. This was Lucas when he was a couple weeks old and Adalynn at a couple weeks old! Too funny!

March 10,11 and 12 "Flashback"

   Unfortunately with the craziness of life I missed a few days of taking pictures but I always love looking back at pictures so the next three days are flashbacks!
(Mar 10, 2011) Monkeyman when he was just over a year! My how they grow!

(Mar 11, 2010) One of my fav pics of him. A little over 2 mos old.

(Mar 12, 2011) For anyone who didn't believe that he climbed  so little... 14 mos!

March 9, 2013 "First Walk"

  Today we went for our first walk as a family of 4. It had just snowed lots but it was beautiful and sunny out and Lucas was overjoyed to be outside and playing in the snow!

Giant pile of snow from the snowplow

Already to go!

March 8, 2013 "Big Boots"

Trying to fill Daddy's boots

March 7, 2013 "Great Grandma"

   Today Adalynn was able to meet her great grandparents for the first time as well as a set of adopted grandparents to me. Adalynn is the 6th great grandchild for my grandma Majak!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

March 6, 2013 "The new house"

   Right before Adalynn was born we put an offer in on a house in Airdrie. We finally were able to find a house that could accommodate Reuben's business and all his car parts!

March 5, 2013 "First Outing"

    Well after a week in the house it was definately time to get out for a little fresh air and of course a little shopping! It was time to tackle the 2 kid outing. Getting out of the house was a little challenging but we made it and enjoyed our time out of the house!

In love with this stroller!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

March 4, 2013 "Picture Day"

   When I had Lucas I didn't have my Nikon Camera..just a little sony point and shoot, so the quality of his baby pictures left a lot to be desired! Needless to say it was rather enjoyable to have a little mini photo shoot with my baby girl (while Lucas napped so as to not be disturbed) I love the fact as well that my subject did not move at lightening speed and slept peacefully as I posed her!

March 3, 2013 "First Bath"

   The memento first bath. Lucas was so excited, he wanted to sit in the bath with baby and even tried to dump in a bunch of toys so that she had some toys to play with. It took him awhile to realize that she was too little to play with them. He enjoyed helping splash some water on her tummy though..Adalynn however did not enjoy the water she kept getting in the face!

Getting ready

Love Lucas' curious look!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

March 2, 2013 "Mal visit"

   Reuben's older sister Mel and her family came in today to meet Adalynn. This is Mel's 1st niece even though she has two girls of her own!
Amiyah was super excited to hold her!

2 kids to hold now!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

March 1, 2013 "Jaundice"

   It looks like our little girl has a mild case of Jaundice. Not enough to warrant any therapy but enough to make her nice and tan and a little sleepy! Still can't believe there is pink in our house!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

February 28, 2013 "First visit"

    Adalynn got to meet her Nana and Papa for the first time today! As you can tell she was so overjoyed that it plum wore her out!