Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lil stinker!

2 more days and my little boy will be a year and a half! Hard to imagine somedays that time has gone by so fast! He is not a baby anymore, he is most definately a little boy with a personality to boot! He is working on his vocabulary but has it downpact on how to vocalize what he wants! I find it interesting watching him grow and develop and seeing either myself or my husband in his personality! Of course right now because he is starting to throw fits and is genuinely being a little rotter most days, Reuben is labeling him as "your child". The sad thing is that I know he is right..I was the little rotter when I was little and because my mother cursed me with "one day you will have a child just like you" it would appear that has happened!! I take back my post about my child being the innocent, quiet one who is gentle and shy! (that would have been my husbands personality trying to shine through but was pummeled back by my more dominant, stubborn, little stinker personality!!) I'll have you know that I am no longer that little stinker personlity..although my husband might disagree!! Needless to say he has a mix of both personalitys..a mischeavous mix that is! Reuben was/is the quiet one who stuck to himself and was shy. I was shy as well but voiced my opinion when I did not agree with something or of course did not want to do what I was told! Lucas is quiet in crowds and likes to watch kids and home he has become loud and vocal, babbling away about nothing and screeching/whining/yelling at things,throwing toys,hitting and biting! Ask him to do something and he gives you this teenage look like "r u serious??" and turns his back and walks away..unless of course he decides that its something that he wouldnt mind doing! We have been working on baby signing, he knows the main ones like "please", "thank you" etc etc. However when you ask him to say please he turns his chin up at you unless its something he knows is extra delicious like a cookie or something! Stubborn? Oh my! Take away all that toddler attitude and he is still a little ham! He loves to make people laugh. He is still gentle, if you tell him to be gentle he will start petting you on the leg or head and than of course in the next second hit once again! Testing the boundaries is a daily occurrence! He has conversations with the cats..he will squat in front of them, look them in the eye and babble away and than of course body slam them! Thank goodness they are pretty tolerant! I blame the body slamming on his cousin Colby!! haha! This kid has little fear sometimes..I took him to the park the other day and he went on all the big kid slides by himself..even the twirly one..I didnt know whether to praise him or reprimand him so that he feared doing anything dangerous for the rest of his life!!! This summer is going to be a blast now that Lucas can play outside and run around! He loves water, sandbox's, pinecones, rocks, sticks, dog poop...all in all he would stay outside all day. Now if only the sun agreed with him and his fair skin! Thankfully he hasn't burned to bad yet..he is actually starting to get a little color and has a cute little farmer's tan! He is a boy through and through and loves to get dirty much to mommy's dismay! Actually if the mess is outside i'm ok with it! Since these pics were taken I have upgraded the tupperware pool to an actually kiddie pool. He was having a few issues climbing in and out, but loved it none the less!

check out these pipes!!

pouring water on himself
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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Lucas loves his daddy and when I say "daddy's home" he runs to the window and waits for Reuben as he comes up the steps and than proceeds to bang on the window until he is noticed! I have loved watching the bond grow between these two, and my love for my husband has only deepened watching him be a father! When Lucas was a baby it was hard for Reuben to bond with him but now that Lucas calls him "adda" and runs to him, its hard for my hubby to not let a huge smile spread across his face!! Lucas wants to be so much like his daddy and copies everything he does! I look forward to seeing these two in the years to come in everything they do..from working on cars, to teaching him to play soccer! He is a daddy's boy, that one!! Happy Father's Day babe!

I have also loved watching my dad morph into a grandpa or as his grandkids call him "Papa"! Lucas and Colby absolutely adore him and have never been scared of him! Lucas loves his Papa cuddles! I have an amazing father and am so happy that my child has an amazing Papa to look up to! He has always been there for us..even though he thinks that he wasnt sometimes, but I remember him always being there for the important stuff and working so hard for his family!! We love you Dad and Papa!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Simply Glorious!

This post is about one week late!! Last weekend we enjoyed the lovely weather by spending it with family!! We headed down south to Reuben's brother Josh and wife Krysten's place in Sundance. As well Reuben's sister Mandy, who was home for a week from Ireland, came with us! I'm always amazed at how large Calgary truely is! Going south is like going to a completely different city! We had a great bbq of venison burgers, thanks to Josh, and than headed to the local neighborhood lake.

Lucas had a blast running around the deck and especially enjoyed the little yellow chair on which he showed us the proper way of sitting!

Lucas hamming it up with Uncle Josh! He loves to imitate and do what the "big" people are doing!! Whether is it sitting precariously on the edge of a chair or trying to strike up a conversation! The conversation usually goes something like "uh uh, at (point point), opa, woof woof". Lucas does have a furry cousin, Beau, but I somehow failed to get pictures of the two playing together.

Now that he has figured out how to put his sunglasses on he loves them!! He especially expects people to notice when he does and laughs and giggles until you say something like "cool dude!!" and than he rips them off and repeats the process!! Too cute!

Picture one with Auntie Dee lasted for about 2 seconds and than as I tried to take a second one he tried to run away! Can u say "ants in his pants"?

Give this child rocks, sand, grass, dirt, water, pinecones and he is happy!! Slide? what slide? I have sand!!!

Last year at this time I was lucky if i could get Lucas close to the water without him screaming his head off!! This year is a totally different ballgame! We had to hold him back so he wouldn't throw himself headlong into the water! New favorite thing is throwing rocks in water..any water..even my cup at times! Its even funnier when mommy screams cause she is wet!

He would have spent all day on that beach!! Happy as a clam!! The water was still slightly cold but he could care less!! He was getting dirty and wet!! Nothing could make him happier..unless there was food involved...

My little beach bum!! Many more beach days to come this summer, buddy, we hope and hope and hope!!